To accomplish this, the track’s water distribution network uses over 50 Dorot 300 Series valves, each equipped with a Condor controller. These valves control the input pressure to a grid of sprayer nozzles. Extremely accurate pressure regulation is required to keep the film of water at the correct and constant thickness.
The pressure is controlled through a centralized SCADA unit that sends a remote signal to each Condor controller.
HIDROGLOBAL, Dorot’s representative in Spain, has been the supplier for this equipment – 300 Series valves and Condor controllers – and has been in-charge of technical advising and fine-tuning the system. This system has been chosen for its stable regulation capabilities, including near-zero flows (LTP® standard feature of the Series 300 valves), its ease of integration with the SCADA system, and its high regulation precision.
- Precise regulation at any flow. - Low pressure losses.
- Integrable through remote control (SCADA).
- Very flexible sensitivity settings.