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Maintaining quality crops in the desert 'Dorot' supporting you all the way

How to maintain quality crops in the desert 'Dorot' supporting you all the way

June, 2015

By Dorot Control Valves


"Ora Field Crops" is an agricultural cooperative association (A.C.A) that belongs to Urim and Kissufim, two kibbutz settlements in the north western Negev desert. The A.C.A fields are separated in three main areas: Urim, Kissufim, and the Fallujah Farm which is located near Moshav Eitan.

The cultivated area is about 27,000 dunam (almost 6,700 acres), and over two-thirds of the fields are irrigated from a variety of water sources, supplied by water mains with hydraulic valves, communications and automation networks. The autumn crops include potatoes, carrots, radishes, wheat, barley and onions, spring crops include sunflowers, peanuts, and corn, and in the summer, table grapes.

To protect the soil while maintaining crop levels year after year, Ora is required to utilize proper crop rotation with professional and expert skill. Therefore, the crop managers take advantage of specialized technical departments in Ora, such Mechanization and Automation, and Water. The Water Department provides tailored irrigation and fertilization solutions for each crop.

Guy Karel, head of the GIS and Water Department, said: "The Water Department is responsible for all the irrigation infrastructure at Ora., and an integral part of the infrastructure are the hydraulic valves and water meters. Therefore, in order to provide professional and reliable service for all crops, I have to meet the highest and most stringent standards. That is why I choose to install the leading products in the market that have proven themselves over the years".

Dorot Control Valves ('Dorot') plays an important role in the infrastructure at "Ora Fields Crops". Among the products installed in their cultivated fields are 'Dorot' hydraulic valves, from Series 100300 and 500. In addition, Ora have installed Dorot’s 80V plastic T valves, Quick pressure relife valves (80A-QR) and PVC 95\96 valves. 'Dorot' provides year-round technical service and professional support, while our sales team accompany the project from the sales stage, through implementation and maintain close involvement throughout the project’s lifecycle. 'Dorot' provides the customers a free initial activation of Series 300 valves and offers field service for solving faults at any time.

"We recently purchased several water meters that were installed in the cultivated plots", adds Guy, "We are very satisfied with the product and service. 'Dorot' provides us with a variety of solutions and applications according to our requirements, and compete well in terms of price, service and delivery".

'Dorot' is in direct and continuous contact with "Ora Fields Crops" and respond to their needs at any time to maintain product quality, service and cooperation.

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