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Dorot in the Academy - "Broshim Campus"

Dorot in the Academy - "Broshim Campus"

Use of Dorot 300S, Plumbing Project, Tel Aviv University, Israel

October, 2014

By Dorot Control Valves

During 2013, Dorot Control Valves ("Dorot") took part in the "Broshim Student Dormitories” complex project in Tel Aviv University. The complex covers an area of 35 thousand square meters and includes eight buildings of seven to nine floors, in which about 1,600 students, scholars and faculty will live, with green spaces and a commercial center.

Vega Plumbing Systems Inc., one of 'Dorot Israel’ largest and most important customers, installed the water supply and sewage systems for the project. Vega chose to work with Dorot and used Dorot's valves in the project. The dorm buildings get their water supply from a single central pump room.

The systems installed in the project include electric reservoir filling systems with an overflow prevention mechanism, and electric pressure reduction systems with a failure prevention mechanism based on 300 series valves. These systems guarantee protection from water overflow and waste of precious water, and, at the same time, prevent of pipes from bursting due to high water pressure.

Dorot's electric pressure reduction systems are able to regulate in every planned flow rate, and excel in operating without additional aids, for example, a pressure reduction unit for low flow rate. In addition, they alert the control room about any malfunction and thus prevent severe damage and waste of precious resources.

Dorot accompanied the project from its planning phase, through valve supply to the site, installation and first activation of the systems, and provided quick and professional service throughout the entire project.

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