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RE - Surge-anticipating valve / Hydraulic activation - Series 300

Mounted on a Tee junction, in a discharge pipe of a pumping station. Protecting the pumping and the network systems from water hammer, generated by power failure, by releasing the returning wave from the system. The valve is activated by the initial low-pressure wave.

Dorot model “RE” is an automatic, pilot controlled valve, activated by the pressure of the pipeline.
The valve is installed on a T-junction, on the discharge of a pump, downstream of the check valve.
The "RE" Valve instantly opens when the pipeline pressure drops below the static pressure.
The return flow is released through the open valve and the pressure increase is limited to a safe value.
When the pressure recovers, the valve begins gradually closing, preventing mainline drainage.
Closure time is adjustable in order to avoid a possible surge, created by valve closure.
Should the pressure exceed the safe operating pressure of the network, the valve instantly opens (Quick Relief Function "QR").

The main valve is supplied in two models:

  • Model 30, 30A for medium pressure (up to 16 bar / 230 psi) Model 31, 31A for high pressure (up to 25 bar / 350 psi).


Read more RE - Surge-anticipating valve / Hydraulic activation - Series 300

RE\EL - Surge-anticipating valve, Electric activation - Series 300

Mounted on a Tee junction, in a discharge pipe of a pumping station. Protecting the pumping and the network systems from water hammer, generated by power failure, by releasing the returning wave from the system. The valve is activated electrically by the power failure event.

Read more RE\EL - Surge-anticipating valve, Electric activation - Series 300


The valve protects the pumping system from water hammer, caused by sudden pump shut-off (case of power failure, for example). The valve is assembled on a T-junction of the main pipeline, instantly opens when the pump stops, relieving the returning high pressure wave. The valve slowly closes once the pressure returns to the static level. The valve also functions as a pressure relief valve.

  • No slam operation
  • Simple and reliable design
  • Easy installation and maintenance
  • Low Resistance and high flow capacity
  • Protection for sewage as well as clean water pumping systems
Read more RE - HyDRAULIC SURGE ANTICIPATING Valve - Series 100